<--- is not a picture of the Oregon coast. It's actually Finland. But since there's lots in common between the two, I'm using it anyway!
The best way to get us booked in your area is to gather a few of you to take the workshop together. Then, drop an email and we'll set up the date.
We would love to work our way down the coast, starting in Astoria mid-June. That would put us in the central area in August and the southern in mid-September. We're flexible.
Fees are $125 per person, including workbook, and consist of one of these:
*Weekend - Two days, 4 hours each
*5-Week - Four days, 2 hours each (4 hours last session for open mic)
*1-Day - 8 hours
An additional two hours at the end of each workshop is allowed for an open mic/potluck celebration fiesta get-together party! Trade numbers, trade cards, trade stories, trade fours, make new friends for life!
Scholarships/Sliding Scale - always available.
Sponsorships are eagerly welcomed. We offer all sorts of complimentary things depending on who's traveling with us, from DJ spin doctoring to advanced style accessorizing, guaranteed to impress your customers and bring lots of attention to your bookstore, gallery, club, or ... Email!